Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year! 2009

Oh, boy! So how was your new year's eve? Our's was great! It's only taken me 4 days to recover! We spend most of the day getting ready for the night ahead. Joe called me about 45 minutes before we were supposed to be at our friends house to come bring some gas to our friend who was stranded on the side of the road. So I tucked all the kids into the car and headed up toward Joe's work and found them sitting on the side of the road waiting so patiently for me. Now for those of you who don't know, Joe works about and hour away and they were stranded about 20 minutes away from our place. So we got the gas and helped our buddy. What a way to end the service to others. After that we drove over to our friends house and played games and ate Pizza and wings. We ended up staying there until 4 am. I don't think we've ever stayed out that late before. It was AWESOME!!!! We played three or four rounds of Settler's of Catan. I loved it! The kids had fun and they almost got to sleep over, but we had to get home before sunrise and get a little bit of sleep before Ian woke up. He did great! I think he woke up around 9 so we had about 4 hours of sleep. Now of course his schedule is a little messed up but we are doing okay with it. We sat down on friday afternoon and talked about things we want to do with the boys and they set some goals. I am still working on mine. I would like to share some of my goals with you though so that you can ask me about them from time to time and check in on my progress! (if you want to that is)

1. Lose 10 lbs (or more) by May 1 by exercising regularly. (my birthday)
2. Be able to stay within the budget. (i did okay last year)
3. Be a nicer mom. (not a push over, but kinder to my children)
4. Read more good books. (I already read a lot, but I want to expand out of my norm and find joy in just about any book)
5. Be a better housekeeper/homemaker. (I think we all know I need a lot of work on that one!)
6. Be a kinder and more friendly person all around. (I want to be able to have many people I can call "Friend")
7. Watch less TV (Not that I watch a lot, but I can always do better, right?)
8. Learn to be okay with Joe watching Football. ( I really hate football)
9. Find someone to serve each month. (I love helping other, I need to do it more)
10. Be better at writing in a Journal. (I want my posterity to know me and remember our adventures)

There you have it. 10 of my goals in no particular order. I am so excited for this new year and all that is ahead of our family. It is AWESOME to be where I am at and doing all the things we are doing.


Carolyn said...

WOOO HOO now I am excited!!!! We will keep in touch! That email wont change. i found another link you might like. oh and the pinching your pennies website has a military section too!

Kellie and Brian said...

I'm impressed. I set two new years goals with the frame of mind that I'll probably let one slack, but I'll still feel good about myself completing one goal. But 10! That deserves a gold star! :)