Friday, October 22, 2010

Tragedy while at Walmart

So today Ian and I ran to wally-world for a few odds and ends for our camping trip tonight.  I thought it would be fun to get the small cans of A&W root beer for the boys along with stuff to make s'mores and just general goodies to munch on.  While I was in the camping isle looking for a charcoal chimney, Ian discovered how to open a can of soda by popping the lid using his teeth!  So exciting... I know.  So after we had that discovery, he discovered just how wet you can get by pouring soda on yourself!  Isn't this fascinating?  So being the good mom that I am I decided to strap him in, take away the soda and head to the checkout line.  I spotted the perfect line: One lady checking out and no one else there yet.  So I dashed to the line and piled my treasure up on the conveyor belt and all the while Ian is intent with trying to escape.  The checker was doing a wonderful job at getting our stuff scanned and taken care of, but she wasn't quite fast enough, Ian figured out how to get himself unbuckled.  Oh the horror.  Oh the tragedy.  Now I have no way to keep my child securely fastened in the cart.  What am I to do?  Any suggestions would be helpful!


The Hunts said...

Oh no! That is definitely a tragedy... And unfortunately I have no help to offer. My kids have never been able to master it! Ian sounds just like a Dummar boy, though :)

Christena said...

Sounds like a handful! I know I refused to go to the store with my girls for a solid year because of stuff like that. Good luck with that handsome little boy you have!

Parkes Family said...

duct tape!