Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Lessons

I am currently serving in the Young Women organization and I truly love it. I have the opportunity to teach every 3rd or 4th week and I think I glean more from the lessons than the young women do. This weeks lesson on Homemaking, or "Family Consumer Science" as I like to call it (just to be politically correct), really brought some things to the fore front of my thinking. I have never been the best housekeeper and I tend to find excuses for most of my short comings. This is not a good thing. I must be honest.... I don't like to clean. Just ask my mom or my sister. I have never been very good at cleaning. (I used to bribe Jamie to clean our room and then "forget" to pay her in the end.) But after much thought and prayer over this lesson I realized that being a good homemaker is much more than being a good housekeeper. You can be a good housekeeper and not a good homemaker, but you cannot be a good homemaker without being a homemaker.

This may sound confusing to you, but let me explain. To keep you house clean is very good. It's even commendable. But if you want to be a good homemaker, you have to be able to keep a tidy house and in such a way that you invite the spirit to dwell there with you. If you have an impeccably clean home but there isn't an attitude of love you have not created a space that the spirit can reside. And you can't have a dirty, cluttered home and think that the spirit would want to be present.

There are many days that I have been able to keep the house tidy and the spirit is very present, but on the days that the clutter creeps up on us, I can tell the spirit drifts far away. So I wanted to share with everyone my new "goal" or "ambition": I want to be a good Homemaker. I want to be able to have a home that the spirit wants to dwell with us and since no unclean thing can be where the Lord is, I want my home to be clean. So I am going to really de-clutter with our upcoming move. It will be a time of purging and giving away things that are just taking up space here. I have already purged my "sewing" closet, and next will be my kitchen. Since it seems to be the biggest of my problem areas. Wish me luck!

I hope I can spread the message of the importance of having a home that will be inviting to the spirit and where the family can live with service in their hearts, and love always abounding!

1 comment:

nateandcj said...

I loved this lesson too. (I taught the same one this week to the beehives....) I think they finally understood that being a homemaker isn't just doing the housekeeping. I loved it because it gave them such a different perspective. Thanks for sharing!